Krystal is a lover of horticulture, a photographer, and a student/proponent of the farm to table lifestyle.

Hello! I am the daughter of a Northern Colorado farmer, and I grew up assisting my grandma in the garden when I was visiting. I also spent time helping my dad drive the tractor on the sugar beet farm. As the years went on, I became a passionate photographer while still gardening on the side as a hobby. I travel as much as I can and try to learn in every place I go.

Major life changes created a shift in my life, and when the time came to choose a path forward, I saw horticulture in my future. Quarantine allowed lots of time for experimenting in the garden and venture into attempting to keep houseplants alive. I also experimented with bringing the garden inside and using the fruits and veggies I was growing to cook with.

After two years of trial and error, enrolling in a horticulture education program, and working in a local greenhouse, I named my new business after my grandma and I am finally ready to share my knowledge and love of plants with you.